2015 Paintings
Leaves of White
Caprice of survival, wrongs
that make the right.
No cause for seasons,
If leaves had stayed white.
Medium: Oil on Canvas Size: 48" X 48" (Square Painting)
Measure of Roots
Flowers of late spring
Feathers of early dusk
Add words immortal
Make colours from dust.
Medium: Oil on Canvas Size: 48" X 48" (Square Painting)
Not Available
What the eyes can see
What the eyes can see
In the wisdom of trees
I must free the 'I',
Let the circle complete.
Medium: Oil on Canvas Size: 48" X 48" (Square Painting)
Not Available
Unchanged Self
Why does the SelfSeek new beginnings?
Search for Itself
In changed becomings?
Medium: Oil on Canvas Size: 48" X 48" (Square Painting)
The Search
To the roots that keep the secrets
Through the branches, the doors;
To know if it was a cause or effect
The Moon returns to the Source.
Medium: Oil on Canvas Size: 48" X 48" (Square Painting)
Not Available
Nights of Tomorrow
Nights to come
Moons to rise,
Yesterday alive
In tomorrow’s eyes.
Medium: Oil on Canvas Size: 48" X 48" (Square Painting)
There’s no place home,
No place heaven.
Nothing to acquire, to own,
No division of the Unseen.
Medium: Oil on Canvas Size: 48" X 48" (Square Painting)
Not Available
All great journeys begin Within,
All great destinations are found Within.
Medium: Oil on Canvas Size: 48" X 48" (Square Painting)
Not Available
Separation of Self
Separate the Other,
From all things Destiny,
Find them together,
The Self and the Seen.
Medium: Oil on Canvas Size: 36" X 48" (Horizontal Painting)
Not Available
Reform Moon
Arrows of time turn the corner,
Vanishing moons redrawn.
Newly born, newly found,
Newly forgotten, reformed.
Medium: Oil on Canvas Size: 36" X 48" (Horizontal Painting)
Personal Blue
It’s neither for settling down
Nor for taking root.
It’s compass of a wanderer
Follow the Personal Blue.
Medium: Oil on Canvas Size: 36" X 48" (Horizontal Painting)
Childhood Home
Under a million stars,
Where a billion rebellions start.
A childhood home calls,
To play again in its yard.
Medium: Oil on Canvas Size: 36" X 48" (Horizontal Painting)
Freedom Sky
To forget, yet to remember
Times to come, times gone by,
Footprints of travellers forever
Left under the Freedom Sky.
Medium: Oil on Canvas Size: 36" X 48" (Horizontal Painting)
Not Available
Sky of Memory
What the eyes can see,
In the sky of memory.
The undoing of change
The remaking of destiny.
Medium: Oil on Canvas Size: 36" X 48" (Horizontal Painting)
Not Available
Terrains of Karma
Life to life, death to death,
Return to Terrains of Karma
Medium: Oil on Canvas Size: 36" X 36" (Square Painting)
Foliage of Future
Early springs to come,
Mellow suns to set;
Borrow light of dawn,
Wake up leaves at rest.
Medium: Oil on Canvas Size: 36" X 36" (Square Painting)
Not Available
Terrains of Affection
It is every reason and no reason at all;Surrender to Causation, find the final call.
Medium: Oil on Canvas Size: 36" X 36" (Square Painting)
Terrains of Knowing
Not from darkness, not from light;
Terrains of Knowing behind closed eyes.
Medium: Oil on Canvas Size: 36" X 36" (Square Painting)
Witness of Karma
Source of all cause;
Witness of every Circle.
Medium: Oil on Canvas Size: 48" X 18" (Vertical Painting)
Not Available
Witness of Thought
Source of the search;
Witness of the Thinker
Medium: Oil on Canvas Size: 48" X 18" (Vertical Painting)
Not Available
Witness of Journey
Source of the arrival;
Witness of the Seeker
Medium: Oil on Canvas Size: 48" X 18" (Vertical Painting)
Not Available
Witness of Mind
Source of becoming;
Witness of its Being
Medium: Oil on Canvas Size: 48" X 18" (Vertical Painting)
Not Available
Home of Clouds
Of a home in the turn of rivers,
Of clouds that return to rest.
Medium: Oil on Canvas Size: 36" X 18" (Vertical Painting)
Secrets of Soil
Million images,
formed, fade,
made, unmade.
The dust of names.
Medium: Oil on Canvas Size: 36" X 18" (Vertical Painting)
Source of Fire
A constant revolt, a fire,
A greater goal, to aspire.
Medium: Oil on Canvas Size: 36" X 18" (Vertical Painting)
Wind Messages 1
Written in an eternal ink
Personal messages of the wind,
Never returned unopened
Never left unanswered.
Medium: Oil on Canvas Size: 18" X 48" (Horizontal Painting)
Not Available
Wind Messages 2
Written in an eternal ink
Personal messages of the wind,
Never returned unopened
Never left unanswered.
Medium: Oil on Canvas Size: 18" X 48" (Horizontal Painting)
Not Available
Answers in Stars 1
Part of us that was once a star
Points the way to return,
Find the signs within the heart
Follow the turns of the sun.
Medium: Oil on Canvas Size: 18" X 48" (Horizontal Painting)
Not Available
Answers in Stars 2
Part of us that was once a star
Points the way to return,
Find the signs within the heart
Follow the turns of the sun.
Medium: Oil on Canvas Size: 18" X 48" (Horizontal Painting)
Not Available